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HomeStanley D. Zemansky Educational Aid Program
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2019 Tony Reed
2018 Stephen Ports
2017 No Recipient
2016 Rose Harrell
2015 No Recipient
2014 T. Suzette Moore, CPPO, CPPB, C.M
2013 Mary Jo McCabe, CPPB
2012 Bill Davis, CPPB
2011 Deborah Meehan, CPPB
2010 Karen R. Luther, CPPO, CPPB
2009 Stephen P. Myer, CPPB
2008 William (Bill) Irish, CPPO
2007 Richard L. Shelton
2006 Rick Grimm, CPPO, CPPB
2005 Brian D. Snyder, CPPO
2004 Joseph D. Zissimos, CPPO, C.P.M.
2003 no recipient
2002 John R. Miller, CPPO
2001 Darla H. Herbold, CPPO, CPPB
2000 Marvin R. Long, CPPO
1999 Paul T. Harris, CPPO, C.P.M.
1998 Ronald C. Jones, CPPO, C.P.M.
1997 William F. Armstrong, CPPO, C.P.M.
1996 N. William Hartline, CPPO, C.P.M.
1995 Lucy L. Slaich, CPPO, C.P.M., CPCM
1994 John R. Wall, Jr., CPPO, C.P.M.
1993 Ella H. Pierce, CPPO, C.P.M.
1992 Joanne S. Deitz, CPPO
1991 Harry H. Bain, CPPO, C.P.M.; Warren K. Wright, CPPO, C.P.M.


The Stanley D. Zemansky Educational Aid Program


The Maryland Public Purchasing Association, Inc.'s Stanley D. Zemansky Education Aid Program was established to provide educational opportunities for training and professional development to public purchasing professionals seeking a public purchasing career. MPPA is dedicated to advancing the professional goals of individuals in, or seeking a career in, public procurement, thereby increasing their competency, enhancing their career opportunities and improving the quality of their professional life.

This a year-round program that provides financial aid for courses, programs, and seminars related to public procurement, contracting, materials management, inventory control, specifications development, contract administration, contract negotiations, and other related subjects. This program applies to all areas of educational opportunities.

Due to budgetary constraints, applications will be considered on a first come, first serve basis.

Eligibility and Application Requirements:

  • Applicant must be an active current member.
  • Application must be signed by member's immediate supervisor validating claim of non-reimbursement by member's agency.
  • Application must be submitted to the Education Chairperson at least 30 days prior to the actual class/ seminar to ensure a timely decision can be made.


  • Members will only be allowed one class per year if approved.
  • Applications received within 30 days of actual registration deadline of a class/ seminar will not be considered due the necessary time required to be reviewed and ensure payment.

Click here to download the application for the Stanley D. Zemansky Education Aid Program.

Upon receipt of the completed Application, the Education Chairperson shall review the Application for content and compliance. All Applications will be reviewed and approved by a Committee consisting of the Education Chair and the MPPA Officers. If the Application is approved, the Chairperson shall forward the request for education aid to the Treasurer so that a check may be issued to the Payee indicated on the Application. If Payee is the Applicant and not the Sponsor or Host Chapter, proof of payment to the Sponsor or Host Chapter must be submitted with the Application.

If denied, the member shall be so notified in writing by the Education Chairperson as to the reason(s) for the denial.

The Education Chairperson shall maintain a record of all members approved for education aid and shall report such to the Board of Directors.



Since 1991, the Maryland Public Purchasing Association has presented the Stanley D. Zemansky Award, established to recognize outstanding individuals for their significant contributions and services to public procurement. This prestigious award honors professionals who has given exemplary service, made outstanding contributions and promoted professional development to the public procurement profession.

In 1980, Mr. Zemansky was honored with The Walter Kirkman Award by the National Association of Purchasing Management - Maryland Inc. It is a prestigious and coveted award only presented to those in the procurement profession who have made outstanding commitments and for their long term dedication to professional development.


That same year, Mr. Zemansky helped to establish and become the first president of the Maryland Public Purchasing Association. He served as president until 1982. Mr. Zemansky was very active in NIGP and served as its 39th national President. In 1984, he was honored with the prestigious Albert H. Hall Memorial Award from NIGP.

Mr. Zemansky has motivated, counseled and given guidance to many in our profession and our chapter. He is recognized and respected nationally in both the public and private procurement sectors.

The Stanley D. Zemansky Award is MPPA'S highest award and is associated with a professional who is respected for outstanding deeds and dedication to the procurement profession. This award was established to recognize the dedicated outstanding professional who carries the same respect for procurement and professionalism as does Mr. Zemansky.

The honor of receiving this award from your peers recognizes the outstanding contributions the professional has made and ensures the contributions of Mr. Zemansky will not be forgotten.



Maryland Public Purchasing Assoc

The Maryland Public Purchasing Association, Inc. (MPPA) is a professional organization comprised of over 300 procurement professionals throughout the State. MPPA, Inc. members represent various public purchasing entities including the federal government, state, cities, counties, colleges and universities, libraries, hospitals, commissions and other public agencies. MPPA, Inc. is the local chapter of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP), which has over 70 chapters in the United States, Canada, and internationally.

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